Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

So let me tell you all about what the next 6 weeks hold for me. In 3 weeks Lovey is having her first baby - that's a pretty big deal. I have two major assignments due in around the same time she is due to give birth, and we'll also be packing ready to move house.

We move house at the end of next month, which at this point I am really looking forward to. Our new house has more room, carpet (oh joy), and wait for inground spa yippee! I will miss our little house and the seriously great location, but really am looking forward to more space.

About a week after we move into our new place Mr S my brother-in-law, will marry the fabulous Miss B (who will soon be Mrs B!!!). With all of these things about to take place I'm excited, nervous, apprehensive and hanging out all at the same time!

And, there is a J shaped whole in my heart. GG just was not the same without Judd and her espangol ways. At least she's coming back and we're not losing her forever to the USA, but still I miss her.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Saturday Morning Ritual

Saturday morning sleep in's are the best. My saturday morning's are mostly a leisurely affair and go something like this:

  1. Wake up at around 9 to 9.30am, begin slowly waking up
  2. Breakfast in bed
  3. Venture outside briefly to retrieve the Saturday Age.
  4. Read paper for an hour or so (which counts as homework - oh joy!)
  5. Call a friend - usually lovey - and giggle.

However such luxuriating cannot go on all day, and by around 11am it's time to tackle the things that the rest of my Saturdays usually consist of: The two H's - Homework and Housework!