Sunday, April 11, 2010

TV Series...

I love DVD's. I mean not the actual discs themselves - obviously - but I love buying a whole season, or series even, of a TV show I love, and working my way through it. In my own time, and without being sold to advertisers without my consent. That's effectively what TV networks do. They sell you - the audience - to adverstisers, with their so called 'ratings' stats. Sorry, I digress....

Anyhow I really do love being able to sit down and watch an episode (or three!) of whatever show has taken my fancy. With the whole series in my hot little hands, I'm not at the behest of some televsion executive, deciding when I may watch a show and in what manner. With my DVD's I can devour the program or I can slow it down (as I often do when I am nearing the last DVD of the last season of a series!).

Currently I am progressig through the first season of Mad Men. It's very clever and funny and sexy.

Mr D is working his way through The Soprano's at the moment. He say's it's awesome...I might have to check it out some time.

I still look back with fondness on the days when I first watched the entire series of The West Wing. Love that show. Sigh, I will watch it through again, but it's not the same as the first time. I was fortunate too to discover the show when it was in it's final season, and therefore had the whole series to devour from start to finish.

So, I'm looking forward to discovering my new favourite series. Any suggestions?