Sunday, March 16, 2008

Accidental Vice-President

Today I went to Uni and found myself in an AGM for a newly formed Media and Journalism Students Society. My friend and I thought it would be a bit of fun to get involved and then somehow I was nominated to 'run' (and I use that term loosely as nobody else contested the title). So by default I am now the Vice President of said club.

There was a definite lack of ceremony for the occasion but I think I can over look that. The fact that I only became aware of it's existence a few weeks ago, and until today was not a member is inconsequential.

My friend found herself with the official role of Secretary and we walked out of the room a little dazed with me saying, and I quote, "So I'm the Vice President of a club I know nothing about." Hmmmm.

Stay tuned for further developments......

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