Thursday, January 13, 2011

The year that was...

2010 was a big year. It was the year I finished my degree. The year my daughter turned one, and the year I realised I couldn't do everything and needed to let someone new take over something I had been doing for almost a decade.

Full time motherhood combined with full time tertiary study was only possible with one extraordinary and very committed husband and father.

I'm pretty sure, in fact I know, that the pressure I put on myself to complete my studies and do well, as well as be a good/engaged/involved/committed/loving/not-so-tired-my-eyes-are-rolling-in-my-head mother, directly affected said husband, who bore it with patience and immense grace.

In the midst of an intense year, I feel I was so focussed on my goals and getting through everything (and consequently became somewhat of a stresshead), that I lost some perspective.

While holidaying on the coast and spending some time with a friend and her family, it gave me the (terribly cliche) opportunity to relax and reflect. It made me see my life from a different perspective, and enabled me to appreciate what I have in a new way. God is good.

So 2011 is here, and now it's my husbands turn to shine - and shine he will, as always - and for me to be the supportive one (please God let me do it well!!!!).