Friday, March 28, 2008


* Warning - This blog contains some disturbing anecdotes. Blog suitable for mature readers only.

I swallowed a fly today. As I was getting into my car I felt it go in and hit the back of my throat. Eeeeeewwwwwww. But it gets worse. Normally when it's happened to me before I cough and it comes out. Not this time.

Because I was breathing in it got sucked right to the back of my throat and I could feel it wriggling around in my throat. I mean this is almost traumatising. I start having a coughing fit while I'm driving - I pull over and manage to tell Mr D to buy me a drink in the middle of coughing. While he's in the shop the fly is still wriggling in my throat but it won't budge and it's making me dry retch. Then I hear a car beeping me and I look in the rear mirror and see not car but bus. Had pulled into bus stop, and so had to pull out and find another spot to put car. I do that and the coughing is getting worse and is now progressing to vomitting. I am standing in the gutter making revolting noises with shoppers walking past looking a little perplexed, in a 'I am not really looking becasue that wouldn't be polite' way. Note to self - breathing in fly not fun.

I look up and see Mr D and he sees me bent over in the gutter and comes running. Finally a drink! It helps, but it still doesn't feel pleasant. After gulping the drink down it feels better, but it's still catching when I breathe in and Mr D has to pull over a few times on the way home coz I think I'm gonna vomit again. Didn't though so that was good.

Feeling better tonight except for the occasional gross thought of having eaten a fly. The moral of the story people is breathe through your nose!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Hot Keys Dance Party

There was an informal sort of get together at my place last night, that consisted of the requisite drinks, good friends and yummy food. It's pretty much a garanteed recipe for a great night. And I always find that the word spreads fairly effortlessly that there is to be a social gathering of some kind.

I am always pleasantly surprised to see people turn up who I had no idea were coming. Take for example the lovely Basil and her man, they were hours away on the Victorian coast as far as I was aware, so when I saw them walking up my driveway I was delighted. Basil and SnakeBalls know how to work a room!

After several hours of the aforementioned drinking, it became apparent that the night would not be complete without a little Hot Keys action. For those of you not in the know, Hot Keys is an awesome 80's keyboard that hangs around the players neck - usually my husbands.

After some Electro Hot Keys, there was a void that needed to be filled, and it could only be filled with Pictionary. We teamed up into two groups of three and so began the competition, schemes and friendly yelling matches. I have to confess that my team were a little cheeky and probably got more slack than we deserved. Anyhow, we lost so I don't really feel guilty.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Accidental Vice-President

Today I went to Uni and found myself in an AGM for a newly formed Media and Journalism Students Society. My friend and I thought it would be a bit of fun to get involved and then somehow I was nominated to 'run' (and I use that term loosely as nobody else contested the title). So by default I am now the Vice President of said club.

There was a definite lack of ceremony for the occasion but I think I can over look that. The fact that I only became aware of it's existence a few weeks ago, and until today was not a member is inconsequential.

My friend found herself with the official role of Secretary and we walked out of the room a little dazed with me saying, and I quote, "So I'm the Vice President of a club I know nothing about." Hmmmm.

Stay tuned for further developments......

Saturday, March 15, 2008

25 Year Anniversary

Today our Church celebrated 25 years of J&B being at Christchurch. Wow. What an emotional day! It was a chance to reflect and express our gratitude to the people who have served and loved us so faithfully for so long, and to remeber all of the ways in which they have been a blessing to me personally. But also, it was an opportunity to catch up with people I haven't seen in a long time, a decade in some instances! Talk about a blast from the past! Man I feel OLD!
Cordelia and her siblings as well as Basil and various others did a FABULOUS job organising, plotting and generally being sneaky to make it a surprise for J&B.
What a fun day, if only we could have ordered the weather to be at least 15 degrees cooler. The kids enjoyed it - any excuse for a water fight hey?!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Autumn Heat Wave

Today I went to Uni even though my body was urging me to stay in bed. I willed my mind to ignore the cold that has invaded my body, and I braved the 37 degree heat.

Melbourne weather is like a fickle boyfriend, hot and cold and impossible to predict. Walking across campus was almost unbearable today in the full glare of the Australian Sun, it felt suffocating and I just wanted some relief from the heat. Then in the evening in a matter of minutes a cool change comes , bringing relief from the stifling heat.

Now the cool change is here and the only evidence remaining of the oppressive heat that zapped me today, is the uncomfortable temperature in my house. The floor boards are still warm and it feels as though my house is radiating heat.

My very hairy dog pants and heaves as his body tries to regulate his temperature in a climate that he was not designed to live in. It seems like a lot of work all that panting, and makes me feel like he's getting hotter. But apparently dogs release heat through their tongue or something like that. Still, it doesn't seem very relaxing. He can't get comfortable, and keeps moving when he gets too hot.

Slowly the house is starting to cool down and the dog is not so restless. Today I am very grateful for the fickle nature of Melbourne weather.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wedding Season

Weddings weddings weddings. They are delightful. Particularly when one is a guest I feel. It's so much fun to get drunk and enjoy the (hopefully) great food and general celabratory atmosphere. But more than that, weddings are a huge event in a persons life, and those close to them can't help but be caught up in the joy and love too.

This year Mr D's bro is getting married to the delightful Miss B - hurrah! And a few weeks after this momentus event, a cousin is getting married. While it's not quite as exciting (to me anyway), as seeing Miss B walk down the ailse with my brother in law waiting for her, it should still be alot of fun. And, to cap it all off Emerald announced she is getting married to Stewy in January. Good for them I say.

Everybody is growing up and getting married. Does this mean we're officially grown ups?